Zoom Into Wine Archive: June 24th - Zoom Into Chardonnay & Fried Chicken
VIRTUAL WINE TASTING: Chardonnay & Fried Chicken Zoom Recap
In this Zoom we dove into Chardonnay and Fried Chicken with host Ian Blackburn and Celebrity Chef Bob Blumer. FRIED CHICKENNNN!! Come on. The crispiness and juiciness of fried chicken! YES! We have some famous local chicken spots that are popping off all over Los Angeles! Whip up your grandmother's favorite chicken recipe, Bob Blumer's Ultimate Honey-Glazed Fried Chicken Sandwich. Or you could get your chicken delivered, because we paired crispy chicken with the incredible HUDSON Chardonnay at this wine wingding!
Chardonnay Zoom Wine Kit: included a bottle of famed Hudson Vineyards Chardonnay, Napa Valley, California 2018. The Kit also included added information about the wine and discounts on future purchases.

About Bob Blumer Gastronaut

Artist and eight time Guinness World Record holder, Bob Blumer is the creator and host of the television series Surreal Gourmet, and Glutton for Punishment, and a producer and host of World’s Weirdest Restaurants. His shows air on various networks in over twenty countries world-wide.
Skip Karabian, Hudson Vineyards Brand Director, was also able to join us!
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